I.U.T. International - later renamed PROCOOPE in 1992- originally started with about 20 members, mostly IUT Directors, political representatives, senior civil servants and officials, university Professors and industrialists...... These founding fathers, totally disinterested, remained faithful to the principles of the association, attending the annual General Assemblies and working meetings to make sure operations were being carried out in accordance with the initial values and orientations.
Most of the Founding Fathers have now reached the legal age limit and cannot participate anymore in the governance of Procoope, even if some of them keep being involved as simple members. In between, the association opened its doors to former and active SFERE employees, and to new categories of members such as French public organizations involved in international technical assistance, Higher Education & Research Institutions, representative structures of the French educational networks, and other qualified persons having held top responsibility positions in SFERE's field of action, whether in private or public sector... But the initial mission and values remain unchanged.
The association nowadays has a single mission: to hold SFERE's capital (around 83% of it) and to ensure that it doesn't fall under mercantile hands.